Nick & Jane Trethowan  Duck Farm Grazing Co

‘The Duck Farm’ PO Box 235  Kojonup WA 6395 
Ph 08 9834 1035 Fax 08 9834 1005  


Press Release Click

Shearing record attempt to be held at Chindiup Cook road property Kojonup
Nick & Jane shear around 12 500 Sheep and have used the Merinotech Bloodline since its establishment in 1988
Merinotech Sheep are:
-  Easy Care and Plainbodied
-  Less susceptible to body fly strike 
Resistant to fleece rot
High resistance to Worms
Easy to Shear
Highly Productive
Perform well under high stocking rates and rotational grazing systems.
Highly Fertile
Good Frame
Soft handling stylish white Wool
