"Written on 20-2-92 by Bernie Walker"   Copyright 1992/2007

It was the power that impressed me the first time I saw him shear,
Power - and the skill with which he shore
It was obvious from the outset, as he set about his task
That the others would have to find a little more.
He reminded me of Danny Holland - a good man from the past -
With his power and his bustle on the board
Now he's the new world record holder - another title on his list -
He's a mighty little shearer, and his name is Edsel Forde.

Unlike his Yankee namesake, which 'bombed out' years ago,
The kiwi model just gets better as he goes
With a big heart for his motor, and speed and skill as well,
This one's a Kiwi champion as everybody knows.
He's a former Open champion of the famous Golden Shears,
He's shorn for New Zealand overseas
And whilst King Country claim him, he is a Southland boy,
But I can't say that he did this one with ease
While his first try had it's problems, and we're not quite sure why,
The second more than made up for all that
And the DB in the bar at the old Waiau Hotel
Would not have had a chance of going flat
With his gear all ground and shining, and cutting like it should
(It's the gear they claim "the champions demand")
But the shearer still has to push it, and catch and let 'em go -
It takes nine hours to be the fastest in the land
Now this man from Orepuki has the record to his name
An amazing shearing tally, and David Fagan's record goes
Six sixty four big Romneys - the best at 'Brunel Peak' -
Tops off all his successes 'round the shows'
Edsel's modest quiet and humble, with a champion's inner steel
Let the handpiece do the talking is his style
And Margaret would be bursting - she's so proud of her man -
He's top gun, and all the effort was worthwhile
But I'll bet that David Fagan has got some news for you -
(It was a nice touch that he stayed to help you through)
There'll be some sweat lost next time he's up there next to you
And you'll both know what the other's going through
So congratulations, Edsel, and Margaret, and the team
Congratulations on an effort really grand -
You're a model for the young guns to mould themselves around
And you've earned our recognition as the fastest in the land
Details of records referred to in "The Fastest in the Land"
David Fagan,  656 Romney ewes at Brunel Peak Station, Southland, on 14-2-1991, Romney ewes

Edsel Forde,  664 Romney ewes at Brunel Peak Station, Southland, on 17-2-1992
Referees: Tom Brough, Stew Weir, and Lex Jury