Sheep Shearing Records in Australia
8 Hours "Prior to 1995"


There were no restrictions on wool weights for shearing records in Australia at this time
The combs used were as per Australian Workers Union Award - 63.5mm or 2 1/2 inches wide
The runs were as per Australian Workers Union Award - Each run  is 117 minutes, working the 3 minute bell
Total shearing time 7 hours & 48 minutes
The following Records were not recorded on a records register or had referees present. This was before the formation of the Australian Sheep Shearing Records Committee in 1996 and the shearers deserve credit for their achievements
Records prior to 1996 and the Australian Sheep Shearing Records Committee
SOLO 8 Hours

Merino Lambs



David Ryan 501 Spring Valley, Victoria 23-8-1978
David Ryan 466 Spring Valley, Victoria 23-8-1977
Bill Robertson 421 Broadford, Victoria 11-2-1973
Brian Morrison 410 Euroa, Victoria 11-2-1972
Jimmy Stanthopoulos 376 Launceston, tasmania 12-10-1966
Kevin Sarre 346 Penshurst, Victoria 1965
Brian O'Mahoney 329   1965
Kevin Sarre 327 Pyramid Hill, Victoria 1957
W (Ted) Reick 326 Queensland 1950
Dan Cooper Junior 325 Glenara, Victoria 1949
Dan Cooper, Senior 316 Bundoran, Queensland 1910
2 Stand 8 hours Strong Wool Lambs    
John & Mark Conlan - in 7 hours 15 minutes


Cobaw, Victoria 14-12-1979
