Super Shearers set 2 New World Shearing Records in Western Australia
Dwayne Black and Troy Stansbury shore 1079 Merino Lambs in 8 hours on October 6th at Yeeramulla Park, near Badgingarra W.A
despite rain and high winds, and power failure to set an extremely high
tally for anyone else in the World to beat.
Dwayne shore 570 to become the World solo record holder, with Troy
adding 509 shorn to make it 1079 for the World 2 stand merino lamb
Dwayne and Troy both used Australian made shearing equipment "Supershear"
for the attempt.
Supershear Combs, cutters, headpieces and shearing
plants, and grinding emerys, which all ran perfect during the record.
Master Shearer
Edsel Forde, a previous World Ewe Record holder, 664 in 9 hours, and key
man at 5 World records traveled
from New Zealand to guide Dwayne through the day
Mike Henderson, 1997 National Shearing Champion, and Australian Shearing Team member
on many occasions guided Troy
The day started at 7.30am with a 30 minute smoko break at 9.30am Dwayne
shore 143 and Troy 130
A massage and a quick bite to eat and a foul up in the time made a quick
trip back to the shed with only 30 seconds spare before starting.
The next 2 hour run from 10am to 12pm had Dwayne with 142 and Troy 127
During the one hour lunch break the power went off and the backup
generator was used for the afternoon, the 3rd 2 hour run from 1pm to 3pm. Dwayne had
another 142 in his pen and Troy 127.
The final 2 hour run from 3.30pm to 5.30pm Dwayne had 143
in his pen and Troy 125
Both shearers suffered some cramping the last run but after taking a
special mixture with their drinks each 12 minutes the cramping disappeared.
Brother Dion was Dwayne's pen person offering encouragement and mixing
the drinks for him, and Mike Donovan for Troy. Deb Chandler was Dwayne's
woolhandler for the day and Troy had his fiancée Delwyn
taking care of his lambs wool.
Dwayne from Esperance WA but now based in
Dongara, WA, with Kylie and their two children Evie and Hamish, learnt
to shear in Esperance, and has shorn in New Zealand, United Kingdom, and
round Australia . He works as a Cray fisherman for 8 months of the year and shears in the
Spring. Troy is a full time shearer who travels to wherever there is
shearing, and both shear for Henderson Shearing services from Dongara.
Dwayne and Troy have been training regularly for many months preparing their bodies for the
extreme effort needed.
Special food, exercises, massage and carbo-loading prior to the attempt ensured their bodies survived 8 hours at full pace, and to ensure the mark they set will stand for a long time.
The lambs were put undercover in different sheds on Friday to ensure the forecasted wild weekend weather would not stop the attempt.
Rain and wind gusts from the early hours of Saturday morning continued all through
Sunday with Aubrey Pannizza and family members, and the Team from
Henderson Shearing, and Abbey Shearing working extremely hard all weekend
to ensure the
lambs remained dry.
All agreed that due to the cold and the lambs being off food and water
for 2 days they were not as good shearing as they could have been, and
therefore a higher tally could have been achieved if conditions had been
more favorable.
World Records Committee referees Lex Jury (New Zealand), Stan Artridge (Victoria) and Tony Abbey
(Badgingarra) completed the wool weigh in with 1.05kgs average per
lamb, counted out each 30 minutes and ensured all rules were abided by before during and after the
Merino Lambs must have a minimum wool weight of 0.9 kgs and must not score over 18 penalties in the pen.
There must be no one in the catching pen, shearers drag all their own sheep and must change their own gear during the 4 two hour runs.
Supershear the Australian Shearing Gear manufacturer sponsored equipment for the attempt, other sponsors
are TopGun Shearing Supplies, Henderson Shearing Services, Steve
Osborne Shearing,
Abbey Shearing, Shearsafe,
Any enquiries please Phone - 08 9927 1694 - 0427 304 555