Challenge in Isolation  By John R Bridges

A Book on Israelite Bay,  Point Malcolm  and  Mount Ragged
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"Challenge in Isolation" is a book that I am proud to have written. It is the result of many years of investigation and research into the pioneering history of the area east of Esperance in Western Australia
Israelite Bay is 200 km east of Esperance, with the first 100 km good road, and the next 100kms is 4WD track
There are no facilities at all there, but the Israelite Bay Telegraph Station operated from 1877-1917 and the ruins can still be seen

Old Telegraph Station, Israelite Bay
The original building was constructed of timber, and in 1896 was replaced by a stone building. There are ruins of a cottage built in 1884 and two graveyards where telegraph operators and others who lived in the area are buried.

Israelite Bay has good fishing and good swimming. The road passes through the Cape Arid National Park.

There are a many camping spots around Point Malcolm & Israelite Bay itself, although sheltered areas from the elements are few & far between. The weather conditions can be overcast & windy depending on the time of year. Fresh water can be found behind the sand dunes at Point Malcolm and on the Point itself in a bore pipe, and  east of Israelite Bay at Wattle Camp just south west of the Bilbunya Sand Dunes

Point Malcolm

Old Telegraph Station - East of Point Malcolm

Juranda Rock Hole Coast West of Israelite Bay
Pine Hill Graves  Track to Mount Ragged
Condingup EspTo Israelite Cape Arid Telegraph Line Israelite Bay  More

Israelite Bay, Israelite Bay, Old Telegraph Station at Israelite Bay, Point Malcolm, Nanambinia Station, Duralinya Station, Lynburn Station, Mount Ragged, Pine Hill,