About the Author  

 John R Bridges
Ph: (+61) 08 9071 3638  -   Mob: (+61) 0418 926 080 -  Book Enquiries - Email

The Esperance Lions Club were having a fun golf day against the Norseman Lions. 

Quite a few of us had never played before, so there was a lady busily filling out the score cards. 
I lined up in front of her and waited my turn. 

She quickly glanced up as I handed her my card, then went on writing.

"What's your handicap," she asked.

The temptation was too much. 
I answered, "I walk funny, I talk funny and my hands shake!

"It is not the end of the world to be born with a handicap –  it is the beginning of a unique lifestyle!"
-  John R Bridges  -

 I was born with cerebral palsy. This condition is one that I would rather be without. I am, however, stuck with it for life so I make fun of it whenever an opportunity arises. 
By making fun of myself, both I and those around me are at ease a lot quicker than if I took the matter seriously. The reaction of some people can be a state of shock initially until they get to know me better. 
Unfortunately I was in my mid-teens before I began this outlook on life. During my school days I always had crowds around me ready to defend me from ridicule in any situation. However, after leaving the comforts given to me within these crowds, I had to stand alone and face the world.

Many amusing incidents have taken place throughout my life, as well as many hardships and frustrations. A lot of people suggested that I write a book and include these incidents, and my answer has always been, "Someday, maybe I will."

Since that time, I have written several books, and not all of the stories are related to me having a handicap. I have written these other books just to make people realise that although I have a physical handicap, I am a normal person just like anyone else and capable of doing many things that normal people can do.

I sincerely hope that any other handicapped person, or anyone connected with handicapped people, who may read my books, will gain a lot of satisfaction and confidence from them, and also help them to better appreciate how being born with a handicap can be the beginning of a unique lifestyle.

John R Bridges  - 
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Humour through handicap, more humour through handicap , handicap humour, cerebral palsy