A World 1st in the Shearing Industry - By the Industry, for the Industry

SHEARSAFE  Injury  Risk Management  Program

Developed by Peter Black with Support and Input from
WorkSafe W.A. - Work Cover W.A. - Australian Workers Union - St John Ambulance

Home Program Employers Workers Shed Safety Equipment Emergency


Workers need to come in line with workers in other industries and play their part in the Shearsafe program, by being more safety conscious, and completing relevant documentation to help lower risk and costs.

Employment forms are a requirement to help  ascertain how, where, and when an employer can help each employee, if necessary.

The employment history may determine if extra training is required, and in which area.

Employees who have previous injuries, can be allocated tasks in line with the  SHEARSAFE  Injury Management Policy until they are back to full capacity.

Warm up exercises before, and exercises  during, and after work can help to reduce injuries and will improve flexibility.

No Industry or Insurance Company will accept workers who work under the influence of Drugs or  Alcohol. 
Injuries that happen with workers in this condition, will jeopardise Worker's Compensation Claims, and the worker can be fined.

To Order

There are severe penalties for employees up to ($10,000 fine ) who jeopardise their own, or other worker's safety in the workplace.
It is recommended to ensure all equipment is in safe working condition. Especially if there have been warnings and a hazard  report completed.