A World 1st in the Shearing Industry - By the Industry, for the Industry

SHEARSAFE  Injury  Risk Management  Program

Developed by Peter Black with Support and Input from
WorkSafe W.A. - Work Cover W.A. - Australian Workers Union - St John Ambulance

Home Program Employers Workers Shed Safety Equipment Emergency


Shearing Sheds need to be a safe workplace for all workers as legal requirements are strict and penalties are heavy if these are not met.

Simple and inexpensive changes to shearing shed layout and improved work practices can have a substantial impact on the risk of injuries.
By implementing these changes, the Industry will be seen as actively pursuing Industry  Safety, and Regulatory bodies may not be as active as they could be.

By reducing the injury risk, there will be significant improvements in productivity and the quality of work.

Reducing injuries, also reduces costs, which will brings savings to all concerned.

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