A World 1st in the Shearing Industry - By the Industry, for the Industry

SHEARSAFE  Injury  Risk Management  Program

Developed by Peter Black with Support and Input from
WorkSafe W.A. - Work Cover W.A. - Australian Workers Union - St John Ambulance

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The SHEARSAFE Program is uncomplicated, and will Lessen the Risk of Injury

The program has defined roles for:

- Workers  - Employee reports, Training, Injury reports
- Work Venues -
Assessment, 1st Aid Kits, Shearsafe Posters, Hazard reports
- Employers  -
Commitment to follow Injury Management Policy & procedure.

All are an integral part of the overall program to reduce the potential of injuries in the workplace.

A minimum standard is achieved when the program is implemented through random assessments.

A database of statistics is developed as a backup for licensed program users, who can only access their information. 
Problem areas can be identified by licensed program users and solutions can be arranged within the areas concerned by Shearsafe Consultants who are from the industry.

Simple and inexpensive changes to work place layout, shearing style, and work practices, will have a substantial impact on the risk of injuries.

Inoculation against common diseases, Q-Fever, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, or Tetanus will lessen the risk for workers.

Strain injuries are the most common claims. They can be caused by full sheep, incorrect drag, old outdated shearing methods, unfit workers etc.

To Order

Strain injuries can be reduced through training; e.g. many shearers pick up the sheep's front legs during shearing and put excess strain on themselves and the sheep, (40 year old outdated method)

This strain can be avoided and longevity increased by changing to the SHEARSAFE shearing pattern (used under License). This pattern is the most up to date in the industry and will  lessen the risk of injury for users.

The Shearsafe Injury Management Policy drawn up with the help of Work Cover,  can have injured workers back in the workplace very soon after an  injury doing other tasks.  

These tasks can be an excellent way to help them back to work, keep them in a team environment, and utilise  skills they have to help the Team.

An active approach to injury recovery is also an extremely important element. 

Don't allow your injured workers time to get down - keep them busy and active, they can  assist with some duties in the workplace and remain interactive and participating. 

Keeping the injured active will ensure, the transition in getting back into the full time work isn't such a big jump, because they've been involved in a modified way during their recovery from injury.

By reducing the Injury Risk,
there will be significant improvements in productivity and quality of work, and a reduction in the cost of Workers Compensation.
The SHEARSAFE Injury Risk  Management Program is available to help you take your business, the various stages necessary, to improve your current risk status with underwriters

The Program includes
- 5 sets of A3 Laminated Posters, 35 in all
 - 1 Employee report book
 - 1 Injury report book
 - 1 hazard report book
 - 1 first aid kit
 - 5 shed assessments
 - OSH Act
 - Small Business Guide to Injury Management and Worker's Compensation Book by Work Cover 
 - Staff training
 - Premium funding if needed

SHEARSAFE have back up services available to Licensed users of the Program.

Workers Compensation Premiums can be renewed at any time during the term of the premium. It is not necessary to wait until the existing policy ends.

If you are interested in getting the BEST DEAL with Lower Premiums by Managing  Risk, and rebates on premiums paid