A World 1st in the Shearing Industry - By the Industry, for the Industry

SHEARSAFE  Injury  Risk Management  Program

Developed by Peter Black with Support and Input from
WorkSafe W.A. - Work Cover W.A. - Australian Workers Union - St John Ambulance

Home Program Employers Workers Shed Safety Equipment Emergency


This poster could save a life, be prepared
Emergency First Aid knowledge is important at home and in the workplace, and the program has catered for this important task.

The SHEARSAFE Emergency Resuscitation Poster has been developed with the help,  and support of St John Ambulance

SHEARSAFE believe all Workplaces should display this easy to understand Emergency Poster.

The A3 Poster is an ideal size for the household.

If an Emergency occurs, in the household, or Workplace, the Poster Information could Save Someone's Life.


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